IEI Chapter Guest Lecture on Theory of computing on 24.09.2018
IEI Chapter Guest Lecture on Theory of computing on 24.09.2018
IEI Chapter Guest Lecture on Theory of computing on 24.09.2018
IEI Chapter Guest Lecture on Theory of computing on 24.09.2018
IEI Chapter Guest Lecture on Theory of computing on 24.09.2018
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia. VidyaTechFest-2018 on 01.09.2018
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia. VidyaTechFest-2018 on 01.09.2018
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia. VidyaTechFest-2018 on 01.09.2018
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia. VidyaTechFest-2018 on 01.09.2018
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia. VidyaTechFest-2018 on 01.09.2018
IoT Programming with Python on 24.08.2018
IoT Programming with Python on 24.08.2018
IoT Programming with Python on 24.08.2018
IoT Programming with Python on 24.08.2018
IoT Programming with Python on 24.08.2018
ISTE Chapter Intra Department Symposium – 2018 from 06.08.2018 to 11.08.2018
ISTE Chapter Intra Department Symposium 2018 from 06.08.2018 to 11.08.2018
ISTE Chapter Intra Department Symposium 2018 from 06.08.2018 to 11.08.2018
ISTE Chapter Intra Department Symposium 2018 from 06.08.2018 to 11.08.2018
ISTE Chapter Intra Department Symposium 2018 from 06.08.2018 to 11.08.2018
3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication & Automation Technology
3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication & Automation Technology
3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication & Automation Technology
3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication & Automation Technology
3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication & Automation Technology
Basic of computer training for TamilNadu police department from 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Basic of Computer Training for TamilNadu police department from 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Basic of Computer Training for TamilNadu police department from 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Basic of Computer Training for TamilNadu police department from 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Basic of Computer Training for TamilNadu police department from 14.02.2018 to 15.02.2018
Two Days hands on training on Linux Administration from 22.12.2017 to 23.12.2017
Two Days hands on training on Linux Administration from 22.12.2017 to 23.12.2017
Two Days hands on training on Linux Administration from 22.12.2017 to 23.12.2017
Two Days hands on training on Linux Administration from 22.12.2017 to 23.12.2017
Two Days hands on training on Linux Administration from 22.12.2017 to 23.12.2017
ICT Academy Faculty Development Program on Introduction to internet of Things on 27 & 28 September 2017
ICT Academy Faculty Development Program on Introduction to internet of Things on 27 & 28 September 2017
ICT Academy Faculty Development Program on Introduction to internet of Things on 27 & 28 September 2017
ICT Academy Faculty Development Program on Introduction to internet of Things on 27 & 28 September 2017
ICT Academy Faculty Development Program on Introduction to internet of Things on 27 & 28 September 2017
CSIR Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IoT on 18th and 19th August 2017
CSIR Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IoT on 18th and 19th August 2017
CSIR Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IoT on 18th and 19th August 2017
CSIR Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IoT on 18th and 19th August 2017
CSIR Sponsored Two Day National Level Seminar on ROLE OF MACHINE LEARNING IN IoT on 18th and 19th August 2017
VidyaTechFest - A Series of National Level Technical  Symposia on 12.08.2017
VidyaTechFest - A Series of National Level Technical  Symposia on 12.08.2017
VidyaTechFest - A Series of National Level Technical  Symposia on 12.08.2017
VidyaTechFest - A Series of National Level Technical  Symposia on 12.08.2017
VidyaTechFest - A Series of National Level Technical  Symposia on 12.08.2017
Cyber Security issues in IOT – 09.09.2016 & 10.09.2016
Cyber Security issues in IOT – 09.09.2016 & 10.09.2016
Cyber Security issues in IOT – 09.09.2016 & 10.09.2016
Cyber Security issues in IOT – 09.09.2016 & 10.09.2016
Cyber Security issues in IOT – 09.09.2016 & 10.09.2016
ICT Academy - Oracle 5 Days JAVA FDP (16.08.2016 to 20.08.2016)
ICT Academy - Oracle 5 Days JAVA FDP (16.08.2016 to 20.08.2016)
ICT Academy - Oracle 5 Days JAVA FDP (16.08.2016 to 20.08.2016)
ICT Academy - Oracle 5 Days JAVA FDP (16.08.2016 to 20.08.2016)
ICT Academy - Oracle 5 Days JAVA FDP (16.08.2016 to 20.08.2016)
Mobile Management by Mr. R. Dharmaraj - 02.04.2016
Mobile Management by Mr. R. Dharmaraj - 02.04.2016
Mobile Management by Mr. R. Dharmaraj - 02.04.2016
Mobile Management by Mr. R. Dharmaraj - 02.04.2016
Mobile Management by Mr. R. Dharmaraj - 02.04.2016
Artificial Intelligence by Ms. M. K. Kavitha Devi - 18.04.2016
Artificial Intelligence by Ms. M. K. Kavitha Devi - 18.04.2016
Artificial Intelligence by Ms. M. K. Kavitha Devi - 18.04.2016
Artificial Intelligence by Ms. M. K. Kavitha Devi - 18.04.2016
Artificial Intelligence by Ms. M. K. Kavitha Devi - 18.04.2016
Digital Signal Processing by Dr. B. VijayaKumari - 28.04.2016
Digital Signal Processing by Dr. B. VijayaKumari - 28.04.2016
Digital Signal Processing by Dr. B. VijayaKumari - 28.04.2016
Digital Signal Processing by Dr. B. VijayaKumari - 28.04.2016
Digital Signal Processing by Dr. B. VijayaKumari - 28.04.2016
ICT Academy Presentation Skills Level 1 by Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar – 3.11.2016 & 4.11.2016
ICT Academy Presentation Skills Level 1 by Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar – 3.11.2016 & 4.11.2016
ICT Academy Presentation Skills Level 1 by Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar – 3.11.2016 & 4.11.2016
ICT Academy Presentation Skills Level 1 by Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar – 3.11.2016 & 4.11.2016
ICT Academy Presentation Skills Level 1 by Mr.K.Nirmal Kumar – 3.11.2016 & 4.11.2016
Guest Lecture on Theory of Computation 24.09.2016
Guest Lecture on Theory of Computation 24.09.2016
Guest Lecture on Theory of Computation 24.09.2016
Guest Lecture on Theory of Computation 24.09.2016
Guest Lecture on Theory of Computation 24.09.2016
Faculty Development Programme on DAA on 20.12.2016 & 21.12.2016
Faculty Development Programme on DAA on 20.12.2016 & 21.12.2016
Faculty Development Programme on DAA on 20.12.2016 & 21.12.2016
Faculty Development Programme on DAA on 20.12.2016 & 21.12.2016
Faculty Development Programme on DAA on 20.12.2016 & 21.12.2016
Data Protection Day Celebration - Technical Debate - 28.01.2017
Data Protection Day Celebration - Technical Debate - 28.01.2017
Data Protection Day Celebration - Technical Debate - 28.01.2017
Data Protection Day Celebration - Technical Debate - 28.01.2017
Data Protection Day Celebration - Technical Debate - 28.01.2017
Workshop on Python & R Programming 23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017
Workshop on Python & R Programming 23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017
Workshop on Python & R Programming 23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017
Workshop on Python & R Programming 23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017
Workshop on Python & R Programming 23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017
Higher Studies Awareness Program
Higher Studies Awareness Program
Higher Studies Awareness Program
Higher Studies Awareness Program
Higher Studies Awareness Program
National Level Technical Symbosium
National Level Technical Symbosium
National Level Technical Symbosium
National Level Technical Symbosium
Guest Lecture on 04.02.2016
Awareness for open source software
Awareness for open source software
Awareness for open source software
Awareness for open source software
Guest Lecture on 10.02.2016
Awareness Program on GATE
Awareness Program on GATE
Awareness Program on GATE
Awareness Program on GATE
Guest Lecture on 17.02.2016
Association Activity on 13.02.2016
National Level Workshop on Data Science analytics on R Tools
ISTE Student Chapter
National Conference
6th National Conference
6th National Conference
6th National Conference
6th National Conference
Guest Lecture From Thiyagaraja College Of Madurai
Guest Lecture From Thiyagaraja College Of Madurai
Guest Lecture From Thiyagaraja College Of Madurai
Guest Lecture From Thiyagaraja College Of Madurai
National Level Workshop
National Level Workshop
National Level Workshop
National Level Workshop
4th National Conference
4th National Conference
4th National Conference
4th National Conference
CISCO Academy Inauguration
CISCO Academy Inauguration
CISCO Academy Inauguration
CISCO Academy Inauguration
National Level Conference
National Level Conference
National Level Conference
National Level Conference