The Department of Civil Engineering has been in existence since 2009. The department has qualified faculty members with varied experience. The department has excellent infrastructure facilities to offer B.E in Civil Engineering. The department undertakes a wide spectrum of consultancy and testing service in the areas of:
2018/ ME-Stru Engg /Rank - 28
2014/ BE- Civil /Rank - 5
2014/ BE-Civil /Rank - 22
2014/ BE-Civil /Rank - 48
Welcome to the department of Civil Engineeriing. It is established in the year of 2009 has its core strength of Civil Engineering. The Department is carrying out various consultancies works and sponsored projects for Industries. The students are motivated by the HOD to participate Curricular, Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities. During every Semester the Department activities increases year by year. The HOD will encourages to attend National, Statelevel & International Level Workshop and Conferences to enhance their students knowledge.
Civil Engineering is a Professional Engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. Civil Engineering is considered to be the most versatile branch among all the engineering branches in the country. Being the oldest Engineering branch in the academic institutions in the world, it has a lot of diversity right from Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Science, Transportation, Hydrology and Construction Engineering, etc.
The Department has fully equipped Labs with mechanized equipment including Structures Lab, Soil Mechanics Lab, Environmental Engineering Lab, Concrete Lab, Surveying Lab, strength of Materials Lab , Fluid Mechanics Lab , Computer Aided Design & Drawing Lab
For better awareness and interest of a student, continuous interaction with reputed contraction companies are being organized at frequent intervals in the form of special guest lectures, seminars, workshops and site visits etc. The Department also encourages its students to engage in co-curricular activities, essential for the overall development.
To prepare students face the challenges pertaining to their profession with full confidence.
To prepare students for contributing to environmental preservation and overall sustainable development.
To provide quality education and to prepare the students for a successful career in Civil Engineering.
To provide knowledge on contemporary area of Civil Engineering.
The department has excellent laboratory and computing facilities to support teaching and learning and frontier research in the diverse specializations of Civil Engineering. The laboratories include:
Associate Professor & Head
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
A one day workshop on innovative materials and methodologies in concrete technology on 20.02.2018 In Association with Indian Concrete Institute
One Day Seminar on Sustainable energy Resources on 14.02.2018
Faculty Development Programme on STABILITY OF STRUCTURES on 29.11.2017
A one day workshop on Total station and Its Practical Applications on 14.09.2017 Expound By : Mr.M.Shanmugharaj, Lecturer , VSVN Polytechnic College
A Series of National Level Technical Symposia VidyaTechFest on 12.08.2017
Guest Lecture on Finite Element Modeling in Association with ICI students chapter. Guest : Dr.S.Nagan, TCE
FDP Training Programme on Strength of Materials (CE6402) 02.12.2016 and 3.12.2016 . Guest : C.Ramesh Babu, Mepco Engg College
A one day National Level Seminar on Intervention into Domain of Seismology
One Day Workshop on Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Civil Engineering
Sivakasi Main Road , Virudhunagar
Tamilnadu, India
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